
Meet Judy

My many years in corporate America, ministry and real estate have helped me realize I had many limiting beliefs that were hindering me and keeping me from achieving the results I desired. These thoughts kept me from living a life free of the mindset of not doing enough, not being good enough and just being comfortable hiding behind the scenes. I knew there was something missing, however I did not know how to “connect the dots.”

Through Transformation Coaching, I became aware of who I am and the limiting beliefs that were holding me back. Transformation Coaching helped me overcome the feelings that prohibited me from stepping out in faith and boldness in whatever I endeavored. It taught me how to have balance and maintain a healthy personal and family life while boosting productivity in my careers, knowing my purpose and helping others become all that God has called them to be.

Transformation Coaching for Women on the MOVE

For women who are always on the move, life can sometimes become overwhelming and daunting. Women are often charged with handling many different tasks simultaneously, taking care of everything and everyone. This leaves very little time to focus on who they are and specifically, what they desire, or even what their needs are.

Women often find themselves working tirelessly with little time to think. This affects all women, from stay-at-home moms, to entrepreneurs, those in ministry, to executives of organizations and companies. The cycle never ends and somewhere along the way we lose who we are, experience burnout, and find ourselves wandering, seeking to find our purpose in life.

Transformation Coaching will help you regain your sense of purpose, optimize the potential in your life and in your work.  You can learn how to break through the barriers keeping you from achieving ultimate success in your career and enjoy life to the fullest!



Services Offered:

Individual Transformation Coaching

Individual Real Estate Mentoring

Complimentary Discovery Call

Individual Transformation Coaching

Individual Transformation is designed to help you “connect the dots.”  Sometimes we cannot go forward because we have not tapped into where it all started.  With individual Transformation Coaching we will work together and take you on a journey from  awareness of where your currently are to an assessment of what it will take to reach your goals. Actualization is that place where you are taking the action to make and see the change you desire.  Through weekly sessions you will see the metamorphosis take place in your life. The “dots” will connect and life will take on a new meaning with a renewed mind.

Individual Real Estate Agent Mentor

As a  successful Real Estate Salesperson and Broker Associate, I offer  a 90 Day “Action-to-Traction” Real Estate Mentoring Program to agents new to Real Estate as well as licensed agents seeking to jumpstart their career and improve productivity.” New to Real Estate? Just received your license and now you are wondering what you should do next? Or maybe you have been an agent for a while and never gained any traction to get the results you desired? This program is for you! “Action to Traction in 90 Days” is a step-by-step program to take you from developing the right mindset to obtaining all the tools you need to jumpstart your real estate career or give your career a boost so you can keep going to greatness!

Transformation Discovery Call

Ready for a change and not sure where to start? Start your Transformation journey today! Make this your first step to a renewed mindset! Schedule your 30 minutes Complimentary call today to discover how transformation coaching can change your life.

Wisdom for Transformation: A Study of Proverbs for a Changed Life (TBD)

“For wisdom is better than rubies, all the things that may be desired cannot be compared to it.”  Pro. 8:11


For change to take place in our lives, we must start with a renewing of our minds, essentially, changing the way we think and see things. Transformational Coaching is the pathway that leads you from unhealthy thinking, preventing progress, to thoughts that help you take the action and create the results you desire in life, both professional and personal.

I realized in my own personal and professional journey that I had many limiting beliefs that were hindering me and keeping me from achieving the results I desired. I felt stuck. Procrastination constantly hindered progress.  Perfectionism caused me to underestimate my value. Lack of awareness and clarity blinded me from my Purpose.  It was through Transformation Coaching that I discovered what was causing me to feel stuck and defeated.  Having a coach walk along side me helped me to obtain clarity, tap into what was holding me back and completely change my mindset.  Taking the action, step by step, catapulted me into a momentum that helped me to keep going

With most business training you receive information and then you are left to figure it out on your own. Transformation Coaching is designed to walk along side of you and help you unravel the past strongholds preventing you from identifying what’s holding you back in the present and preventing you from walking into your future. Transformation Coaching doesn’t give you a manual with a ‘to do” list. Instead, it allows you to unravel you, develop you and transform you into the person you desire to be. With Transformation Coaching  you will be able to answer the questions, “Who am I?”, “Where am I?”, and “Where do I want to be?”

My mission is to help women on the move  develop awareness of their worth, assess where they are, and actualize their future.
As a mother, ordained minister, counselor and real estate professional, I have firsthand knowledge and experience of how life can become overwhelming when you are creating a successful  career and also seeking to achieve a work/life balance that brings harmony in all aspects of your life. I also have many years of experience as a Licensed Professional Counselor, a John Maxwell Certified Coach, Trainer and Speaker, real estate productivity coach and trainer and author of “Keep Going…Because Life Goes On.”
I have learned the significance of awareness of oneself. When we don’t know who we are or what we truly desire and believe is possible, it is difficult to stay on a consistent path. We find ourselves all over the place chasing the wind and shiny objects. I offer Transformation Coaching to help you to figure out life, all while  boosting productivity in your home, business and/or workplace with  an improved harmonious balance that brings joy to your life as well as others around you.
Transformation Coaching provides me the opportunity to combine my many years of skills developed in life  and professional endeavors, to help develop the skills required for the purpose driven woman on the move!

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." - Romans 12:2